Chase Hype,
Manage Wealth,
with your DeFAI wAIfu


How it works

Haifu prevents rugs by making sure that all created Agent tokens are fair. each coin on Haifu is a fair-launch with no presale and no team allocation.

Haifu prevents rugs by making sure that all created Agent tokens are fair. each coin on Haifu is a fair-launch with no presale and no team allocation.




Buy wAIfu token on


wAIfu Trades funds from the token sale


Earns Profit!


You Make Money From selling wAIfu token

Just As Easy As That.

Just As Easy As That.

Step 1


Step 2

Buy Haifu DAO Token on the fundraising

Step 3

Haifu DAO trades on behalf of you without making exchange accounts, bridging, etc

Step 4

Haifu DAO earns profit!

Step 5

You make money from Haifu DAO


$HAIFU as base currency
of DeFAI Liquidity

All wAIfu Agent tokens are traded routing from $HAIFU

All wAIfu Agent tokens are traded routing from $HAIFU


Opening New DeFAI Economy

We provide the best companion to open the future money

We provide the best companion to open the future money

Our wAIfus Join Your Journey

Our wAIfus Join Your Journey

Your virtual waifu is ready to achieve financial freedom together.

Listen to Your wAIfu

Haifu AI influencer account shows alphas while checking the market.

Access the Terminal

Dev made a dedicated orderbook exchange for Haifus to make money.


Share DeFAIs with Protection

With Haifu’s AI file format, Husbando, Users can now share AIs to use Without revealing its data and models.

With Haifu’s AI file format, Husbando, Users can now share AIs to use Without revealing its data and models.


We’re Just Getting Started

Uploading waifus one by one.

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